2010年1月25日 星期一

Windows 利用 VirtualBox 安裝 ubuntu 需知

  最近剛好有機會碰到Android,因為沒有額外的主機,也不想要設置多重開機,因此選用了 VirtualBox 來當虛擬機器。但發現用VM的陷阱還真多,一不小心就踏了進去...在此做一些註記,如果你也同樣遇到這些狀況,那麼這一點過來人的經驗可以解省你一些時間。

1) 對安裝Ubuntu 9.10 來說,VirtualBox 3.1.2 是個不夠成熟的VM,
  這個組合會導致boot fail
2) 退回VirtualBox 3.1 是無效的,因為VirtualBox 3.1 就開始用所謂
  EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) 這個東西,
  有這個東西就代表boot fail
3) 退回VirtualBox 3.0 是個聰明好選擇,
  沒有EFI 的地方就是天堂。
4) 不過別擔心,這是小問題,請到C:\Documents and Settings\你的帳號
  這個資料夾,把.VirtualBox 給砍了就好,
5) 把心愛的ubuntu-9.10.iso插進去吧!Have Fun!

If you are going to install Ubuntu 9.10 by VirtualBox on Windows, here are something I need to remind you:

1) For Ubuntu 9.10, VirtualBox 3.1.2 is not a mature VM. You will
 have "Boot Fail" alert when you try to install Ubuntu.
2) Backward to VirtualBox 3.1 is useless.
 It's because EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) had been inplemented
 since VirtualBox 3.1, and EFI is the problem.
3) So, installing VirtualBox 3.0 will be
 a good choice. However, you cannot launch VirtualBox 3.0
 after the successful installation, how amazing!
4) No worry, VitualBox can be successfully launched after deleting a
 folder named ".VirtualBox", which should locate at
 C:\Documents and Settings\YourAccount
5) Finally, it's time to insert your lovely ubuntu-9.10.iso
 into VirutalBox CD-ROM. Have Fun!!